“Arise, shine; for your light has come, And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.” ISAIAH 60:1
“Arise, shine; for your light has come, And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.” ISAIAH 60:1
We are often asked about the purpose of the annual Catholic appeal, and why we depend on your yearly gift. Scroll down to see why the appeal is so important to Alaska’s faith community.
Supports the Catholic Community in Alaska

Supports the Following Missions

Safe Environment
The Office of Safe Environment assists the archbishop in coordinating abuse-prevention efforts, programs, and policies for children and vulnerable adults throughout the archdiocese.
We have 21 parishes that are only accessible by plane or ferry and do not have a full-time resident priest. Your donation to the appeal helps pay for the travel of priests and deacons to fly and minister to the people.
Your donation helps support the training program for men who want to enter the diaconate. Training of these men is through the Archdiocese Diaconate Program.
The archdiocese helps support our seminarians while they attend seminary. As our priests get older and closer to retirement, it is important that we work toward vocations. Your donations help support our vocations department, as well as the seminarians currently enrolled.
Faith Formation
Your donation helps the Catholic Schools and Faith Formation Departments. The departments help train Directors of Faith Formation, as well as provide in-service days for Catholic School staff and teachers.
We process all payroll for the different parishes and missions in our Archdiocese as well as do the bookkeeping for some of the smaller parishes and missions.
Responsible for archdiocesan publications, branding, marketing, social media and website services.
When asked, the Tribunal conducts an investigation of a previous marriage according to the Code of Canon Law. If it finds the marriage is lacking the necessary qualities of a valid marriage, it will promulgate a Decree of Nullity (commonly called an “annulment”). Such declarations make it possible for a person who has been divorced to seek another marriage in the Catholic Church. It may also assist those who are already remarried civilly, as well as Catholics who are simply divorced and are seeking clarification of their status within the Church.
Hispanic Ministry
Pays for Spanish-speaking priests' travel to parishes in Kodiak, Wasilla, Juneau, and Ketchikan in outreach to Hispanic parishioners in their native language.
Catholic Native Ministry
The archdiocese supports Native ministry throughout the entire area and works to empower leadership in roles of evangelization, worship, and cultural preservation.
Immigration Services
Your donation helps process and track the paperwork of foreign-born priests who are brought here to help meet archdiocesan needs.
helps us focus on our responsibility as people of faith to help those in the broader Archdiocese
“But it is not enough to receive light, one must become light.
Each one of us is called to receive the divine light in order to manifest it with our whole life.”
Most Reverend Andrew E. Bellisario,
C.M. Archbishop of Anchorage-Juneau
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always!
Christ calls us to be the light to others. Our example in how we live and serve others becomes the light for others to follow. When our light shines, it reflects Christ in us. Our light can manifest itself in everything we do, adding to our larger family in faith and uniting us in the mission to spread the good news and bring the love of Jesus to others.
We are blessed to have such a large Archdiocese that is diverse and vibrant with its many cultures and locations. The Annual Catholic Appeal allows the Archdiocese to provide ministries and services to its people.
United in Mission – Be the Light! is this year's theme for the Annual Catholic Appeal. Pope Francis said, "But it is not enough to receive light; one must become light. Each one of us is called to receive the divine light in order to manifest it with our whole life".
United in Mission – Be the Light! helps us focus on our responsibility as people of faith to help those in
the broader Archdiocese. In Matthew 5:14-16, Jesus tells us, "You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and then put it under a bushel basket; it is set on a lampstand, where it gives light to all in the house. Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father."
We pray that by being the light, we will freely give our time, talent, and treasure in service of God, one another, and those in need.
Please look through the appeal brochure and see how your gift can help those throughout the Archdiocese of Anchorage-Juneau. Please join me in participating in the 2024 Annual Catholic Appeal, United in Mission – Be the Light!
Sincerely in Christ,
Most Reverend Andrew E. Bellisario, C.M.
Archbishop of Anchorage-Juneau

Did you know?
When you give your annual appeal, it is safer and more secure to donate online than sending a check or cash in the mail.